19 Stories of Social Inclusion

Common themes emerge in the stories. Sentiments from storytellers and their supporters and allies help express these themes. This list is just a start. The stories hold many lessons about what it means to live (and assist people to live) a full, meaningful and inclusive life.
Together with those around me, I value and hold a vision for a good life
Letting my dreams shine – living the dream
Those around me help me to identifying and uphold a vision for a full, meaningful and inclusive life that is similar to other people my age
Never give up
You only live once
I’m seen for my unique identity rather than focusing on my diagnosis or difference
I have interests, passions, aspirations, abilities, strengths and potential and those around me recognise and harness these
I do things that are meaningful and relevant to me
Doing what you love and loving what you do
I have purpose
You’re never too young or too old!
Doing your favourite things
My diagnosis is not who I am
I’m seen for what I can do not what I can’t do
Looking cool!
My identity is familiar and recognisable to others e.g. I’m an employee, a student, a club member
I’m present in ordinary and typical places in the community rather than in segregated or special places
I go to everyday, typical places in the community on a regular and frequent basis
I have physical access to the same places as others
Inclusion is more than physical presence
Inclusion is not about a sheltered, segregated, institutional environment or special group for people with a disability
The rhythms and routines of my day are typical
I use community resources when ever possible
I have connection to the land
I don’t have to fit into what the system or services have to offer
I’m immersed in the community
I have a range of reciprocal relationships in the community
I share my interests and passions with others who have similar interest and passions
I have a range of relationships e.g. family, friends, mates and girlfriends, classmates, colleagues, business customers, neighbours, club members, fellow parishioners, home owner, tenant, housemate, going away with friends. Not just paid people!
I hang out with friends who like to do the same things as me
I meet new people
I know lots of people and they know me
I’m missed when I’m not there
I have friends who care about me
I’m loved
I have people in my life who are not paid to be there
I have people in my life who look out for me
I have people to call on and I’m there for others
I invite people to come over and I have visitors
I have family
I have lots of friends
I’m part of my heritage and tribe
I’m connected to my culture
I’m part of my school, work place or club
I’m not lonely or isolated
I have lasting relationships – people who stay there
I do things with my work mates after work e.g. coffee, lunch
I have all the same opportunities as all citizens to contribute to the community
I have a number of valued roles in the community such as student, employee, business owner, intern club member, church member, neighbour, traveller, friend, volunteer, artist, gym member, film maker; sports club team member, actor, customer, radio announcer etc
I have typical opportunities – the same as other citizens
I try different things to see what I like
I have the opportunity to learn new skills and roles
I earn a wage and making a living
I give to others
I’m part of something exciting
I’m a positive role model for others
I’m appreciated and recognised for my contribution
I’m not seen as a passive receiver of funding and welfare
I’m challenged in new and exciting ways
I have the support required to participate and contribute to the community
I have people who believe in me
Those around me help me to hold a vision for a full, meaningful and inclusive life
There are people around me who show leadership in regard to social inclusion
Those who support me are creative
I have natural, freely given support in my life - not just paid support
My supporters are the right match for what I want to do, not just “disability” support workers
People give me time and support to learn and develop valued roles in the community
I have support to increase my comfort, confidence , self-esteem and learn new things
Those around me hold positive expectations
My needs are meet in a respectful manner
Businesses and community group are welcoming and supportive
Circles of Support can help
I have modifications so I can do the same things as others
People listen to me
People around me help me to do the things I want to do and help me to direct my own life
I have support to overcome challenges
I have heaps of friends I can go to for support
I’m connected to people I trust
I have mentors and I mentor others
I have positive role models
Support people are not my “carers”
People around me ask “how could that happen?”
Staff don’t over step the boundaries
I’m supported to be as independent as possible
I feel like I belong!
I feel a sense of belonging
I feel valued and like I matter
I feel accepted
I feel connected to others
I feel welcomed
I feel part of things
I feel confident
I feel content
I feel respected
I feel safe and secure
I feel recognised and appreciated for my abilities and contribution